Laptop Insurance

Family Laptop Insuranceunknown.png

Laptop Insurance Rates

The following table outlines costs to families for our laptop insurance. Reduced rates are available to families receiving Free or Reduced Lunch and for families with 2 or more children attending the high school.

First Child

2nd Child

3rd+ Child


Regular Rate




Free or Reduced Lunch




*A family with three children attending the high school would need to pay $100 at the regular rate to insure three laptops. A family receiving free or reduced lunch with two children attending the high school would need to pay $50 for two laptops.

Parents can pay for insurance online using e-Funds. There is NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE to use e-Funds. You can access e-Funds by going to: 

Short URL:

Full URL:  

Or, simply complete the form below and bring this sheet and cash/check payment to the high school main office to pay in person. Payments can also be made during the Welcome Back Open House. Paying online via e-funds before the open house will ensure a smooth and quick pickup of technology. It is recommended that families pay with e-funds to avoid waiting in a line. 

We encourage students to take their school-issued laptop home to continue learning anywhere, anytime. However, before allowing a laptop to leave school, we do require families to purchase an annual insurance policy covering the laptop against theft or accidental damage while the laptop is in the student’s possession.

Laptop Coverage

Description of Incident



Not Covered

Service and Technical Support

Manufacturer Defect

Mechanical Failure

Accidental Damage

Theft (requires police report)



Power Surge

Natural Disaster

Intentional Damage / Vandalism

On the back of this page is a cost chart and form that families can fill out and return to school to purchase insurance for their child’s laptop at a low cost. We strongly recommend that families purchase this insurance as it provides repair and replacement cost coverage for theft and accidental damage worldwide.

Meridian Public Schools will be the sole policyholder for the insurance purchased to cover school‐issued laptops. This allows us to offer better insurance rates, take care of all repair and replacement requests “in house”, and keep accurate records on who is insured and when policies expire.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Meridian Early College High School at 989-687-3300.