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Focused Instructional Time (FIT) is a 25-minute period when students can pick which class to attend to receive additional instruction or to complete work during the school day.
At any time, students can "register" to attend a specific teacher's class during FIT by clicking their name to the right and filling out the short form. (Meridian GDocs login required)
When the next FIT period arrives, students go to the class they registered to attend.
Teachers use student registrations to take attendance before all get to work.
Students are busy people who want to do well. We get that. By offering FIT, our goal is to provide students opportunities to receive additional support from teachers during the school day. By offering a FIT period, teachers are able to plan additional workshops for students who are absent, fall behind, or are soaring ahead.
Celebrate because that's rare! Ask yourself which course you could use to work on a little more. Or, ask yourself which teacher's classroom you feel most comfortable working in.
Students who fail to register for a class during FIT gather in the cafeteria for silent work. Students who habitually fail to register will need to talk to Mr. Bohn and may be assigned detentions.
Yes. FIT is a scheduled period during the day. Attendance is expected.
Let us know by calling (989) 687-3300.